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Video Editor

For a video to be relevant, impactful, and even viral, it should be edited to a high standard. Video is a tool that all video game studios and publishers use, as do creative and communication agencies, from images, animations, music, and comments. As a result, a video editor is responsible for creating content suitable for the broadcast medium, adhering to guidelines and ensuring quality.

Video Editor Job Description
Last update
Study level: Bachelor’s degree
Recommended high school diploma: Scientific or Artistic
Employability: Very good
Beginner salary: € 1,800
Confirmed salary: € 3,000
Mobility: Good
ROME code: L1507
FAP Code: U1Z80
"To give consistency and create a visually effective project, you have to be fairly "agile" in your own job! Knowing how to work in a team is essential. The trio of skills is simple: organisation, resistance to stress, concentration. In addition, the creative element is very present, so we have to keep a constant watch to see what is being done right to left and to keep proposing new ideas. "
Gentside Logo Photo Nathan Morgenti
Nathan Morgenti
Camera operator for Gentside
"If I had to define the career of a motion designer, I would say that it is the last stage of writing for a film or a video project. Anything is possible at this stage, even reinventing the story written in the original screenplay. "
Mathieu Guéritte
Video editor and freelance director

Responsibilities of a video editor

A video editor has the task of creating videos that highlight a brand, a video game, an advertising message, a company or even a school. With their training in video editing, this audiovisual professional is, therefore, able to create content mixing a whole bunch of different elements. They can be asked to:

  • Write a script
  • Film
  • Record sound
  • Select images and illustrations
  • Perform the assembly

Sometimes, a video editor may also be in charge of broadcasting their videos. They must therefore be a real « Swiss Army knife« .

video editing basics
Taking a one-to-two-year training course allows you to learn the basics of video editing.

The qualities of a video editor

To occupy this position, a video editor must have the following qualities:

  • Creativity
  • Rigorousness
  • Organisation
  • A font of ideas
  • Have an artistic sensibility

The skills of a video editor

Fundamental skills are needed in addition to the qualities of a video editor. An image professional must be able to apply a set of techniques and knowledge while creating videos. By following a course in an editing school, they will be able to:

  • Use editing software
  • Know how to capture and take sound
  • Knowing how to create a skin, integrate animations
  • Mix sound sources
  • Achieve effects

« Whether we work for video games or online media, the norms remain the same. I recently edited the France trailer for the NBA 2k21 game, » said Nathan Morgenti.

"An editor must take into account the director's requests, understand them well, and be aware of all the material filmed (the rushes). They must know how to find a narrative rhythm that works for the project, pulling the spectator along while they're watching. Finally, an editor must have correctly mastered editing software(s), and calibration is a plus."
Mathieu Gueritte
Video editor and freelance director

Advantages and disadvantages

Being a video editor involves undeniable advantages and disadvantages, here are some of them:


  • High employability
  • Creativity
  • Profession accessible with a bachelor’s degree


  • Respond to sometimes short deadlines
  • Low entry-level salary

Mathieu Guéritte, added: « The advantages of this job are that it is possible to come in and save a project that is sometimes shaky in terms of writing or directing. The downsides are the routine and being locked in a dark room for hours or days on end… but if the project is cool and the editor enjoys their job, they’ll be happy to work. « 

video editing on adobe premiere.
A video editor who is proficient in editing software like Premiere is able to work for a video game studio, web agency, advertising agency, etc.

Level of study required

Many training courses lead to working in video. Diplomas from private schools specialising in the audiovisual world and cinema are one choice, as are animation schools or even certain universities. You can choose from dozens of different offers. You will have to select the school which seems the most able to provide you with the pedagogy that works with your professional goals. In other words, if you want to work in the world of video games, choose a school specialising in this field since you will be immersed in this environment every day. Also, it is a good idea to check the modules, speakers and productions that are offered.

You must learn the basics and obtain a broad vision of the profession’s challenges with a high school diploma + 2 more years of higher education or a bachelor’s degree.

"I have always liked images and especially being able to play with them," says Nathan Morgenti. I went to a private university to become a director-editor. Then I looked for work without closing any doors, even if it was for positions unrelated to my initial training. And little by little, the opportunities began to present themselves! "
Gentside Logo Photo Nathan Morgenti
Nathan Morgenti
Camera operator for Gentside

The training program

The courses of video editor training focus on video. Also, you will learn all the aspects of video creation, which, in detail, are:

  • Learning to write, design and produce videos in an optimised way…
  • Learning to film, to highlight, camera movements…
  • Learning to capture and mix sound…
  • Managing a project from A to Z.

In addition, there are internships so that you can get a feel for the working environments.

Training to become a video editor

Within G. Art, we offer to train you for a career as a video editor with the Audiovisual Careers Course. We give you all the keys to become versatile, creative and curious. Above all, once you have left the school, you will know how to master production techniques. So you will learn:

  • Image (learning to film, to highlight, camera movements, etc.)
  • Sound (learn to capture and mix sound and mix it…)
  • Production (learning to write, design and produce videos in an optimised way, etc.)
  • Production (managing a project from A to Z).

You will regularly encounter the professional environment throughout the course via work placements. In addition, we favour teaching in English and through projects. We want to lead you to create concrete productions, which is a really enriching experience and a plus point for your CV.

To join the course, no level of study is required. You only have to be 18 years old and have a passion for video and photography.

Apply for the course

We do not ask for a particular level to apply for the Audiovisual Careers / « Videographer » course, and there is no need to go through Parcoursup.

Being 18 years old and having a certain appetite for video and photography is a plus, as is an interest in video games. Admission is, however, based on a dossier that can be completed and returned to us here.

After this diploma, you will be able to consider other training courses such as the 2D and 3D Computer Graphics Bachelor, for example, and continue onto an MBA Game artist or MBA Technical artist. These are diplomas that will provide you with knowledge of the graphic creation of a video game.

It is also possible for you to continue in the business side of video games with our training courses at G. Business.

Company internships

Applying knowledge seen in class while confronting the reality of the field and your future environment is the whole objective of our internship periods. We make it a point of honour that each student can do several internships during their training.

What is the salary of a video editor?

Depending on the company you work for, the salary of a video editor can be very different, varying from the minimum wage to nearly 3,000 euros per month. Your status will also impact salary, depending on whether you are freelance, intermittent or hired full time in a company.

Where can you work?

You will be able to work with many companies that use video in their communication methods and that produce it. For example:

  • Video game studios (Atari, Ubisoft, etc.)
  • Web and communication agencies (1min30…)
  • Video content creation agencies (Vaaden, etc.)
  • Production companies (87 seconds…)
  • Esport event organisers (Z-Agency, etc.)
  • Online media (Gamology) or Youtube channels

You can also opt to become self-employed and therefore work on your own.

The sites below regularly advertise job and internship offers. Whether they are focused on video games or are more general, you will be able to find something that suits you. Consult them regularly.

  • Gaming job
  • Welcome to the jungle
  • AFJV 
  • Seek-Team

Where : JoobleRandstad.gameGlassdoor.

short videos for social media like Youtube
Making short videos posted on social networks like on YouTube is one part of the job of a video editor.
"I chose this profession because I like to tell stories. Being a writer / director and working on editing my own projects is the most exciting part. This is why I am an editor for many different projects: advertising, events, fiction. "
Mathieu Gueritte
Video editor and freelance director

Career evolution

A video editor can rise through the ranks by first becoming an assistant editor, then a chief editor. This is also true in the cinema industry, for example. You can become a video editor in an agency, a web company, or a video game studio, as soon as you leave school.

Freelance video editor

This is one of the most popular statuses among video editors. Many have chosen to work independently and to work on behalf of several clients. A freelance video editor can work for a video game studio and television or even the cinema or the web. There are many possibilities. Having experience working in a company is a good asset before finding work on your own.

To create a video, a video editor must know how to do everything: frame, sound, direct, edit

In summary

job description video editor summary

How can you become a video editor?

Designing videos that can be broadcast on the internet, for example, requires specific knowledge and skills in the audiovisual field. Mixing, shooting, selecting illustrations, a video editor must be able to do a bit of everything. This is why it takes training to become a video editor. At G. Art, our Audiovisual Careers Course will allow you to be operational right out of school.

On video

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