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Designed by video game and education professionals, Gaming Campus is a unique place where talents are revealed, and skills are developed.
Diagramme croissance secteur du jeu vidéo
174.9 billion in turnover

for the video game market in 2020, making it the number 1 entertainment market in the world.

Source : Newzoo
Icone d'un étudiant
85% of jobs

in 2030 do not yet exist.

Source: Institute for the future
Last update

Our vision

The fun of learning
A passion for video games is an ideal ground to stimulate curiosity and facilitate a thirst for learning. We cultivate it and adapt our educational choices to obtain convincing results while maintaining a high level of motivation.
Deux étudiants devant un ordinateur Deux étudiants devant un écran d'ordinateur
The sharing of experiences
The acceleration of communication skills and the natural propensity of exchange in young people places sharing (between generations, between peers) and mutual aid at the heart of our educational programs.
Matthieu Dallon, expert esport, en masterclass devant les étudiants du Gaming Campus Un intervenant professionnel pendant une masterclass devant les étudiants du Gaming Campus
Innovation driven by uses
The understanding of uses and the way Gaming Campus keeps a watchful eye on their evolution places our schools at the forefront of educational guidelines. Our students, therefore, benefit from educational support at the cutting edge of innovation.
Espaces d'enseignement du Gaming Campus Espaces d'enseignement du Gaming Campus

The Gaming Campus team has, for years, been working on various projects that make sense. Beyond entertainment, the practice of video games has 7 positive virtues. Gaming Campus’s objective is to be the accelerator of these objectives.


Active learning by Gaming Campus
Gaming Campus adopts an innovative approach through a project-based learning pedagogy adapted to market reality. The objective is to give students skills that allow them to develop durable employability and permanent adaptability. The methods used pose intellectual challenges, stimulate their creativity and curiosity. Project-based learning also provides for multidisciplinarity between students, allows them to explore beyond their discipline, and allows them to use interdisciplinary skills. It is primordial that students can practise these skills before being confronted by them in a professional environment. Two students present their project Finally, the curricula are co-built and adjusted with partner businesses in real-time. They integrate all the skills and knowledge specific to the video game and digital art industries.
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Un étudiant présente la pédagogie par projet lors d'une réunion d'informations

Founders of Gaming Campus

Photo de Valérie Dmitrovic
Valérie Dmitrovic
Valérie has had the experience of leading a business school in Lyon and then was the National Director of Pedagogical Innovation and Development for 7 campuses at the heart of a higher education group. A woman of conviction and experience in the field, she defends active and project-based pedagogies, as well as interdisciplinarity. Valérie is the dean of the higher education schools at Gaming Campus.
Photo de Jean Baptiste Racoupeau
Jean-Baptiste Racoupeau
Jean-Baptiste has led online educational programmes for nearly 15 years. He most notably led the mathematics website with the largest audience in France. Passionate about video games, he participated in the first LAN (esport competition) in France. Jean-Baptiste is the director of Gaming School.
Photo de Thierry Debarnot
Thierry Debarnot
Theirry started as an entrepreneur at the age of 19, with the idea of putting educational content online for students. He then created Media Student, which later became digiSchool, leader of online education in France. AngelSquare named him as the number one investor under 35. Theirry is in charge of development and future projects at Gaming Campus.


The pedagogical team includes around 100 industry professionals and about 10 language teachers.

The development committee

The development committee, made up of professionals, brings its members’ experience and reflection to the school's management. This is designed to continually adapt our educational and developmental strategy to best suit the needs of businesses.
Frise chronologique de l'Histoire de Gaming Campus
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